17th Winter Astro School
Makarska Danas

During two evenings in the Makarska observatory, 35 children traveled around the solar system from the Moon to Jupiter and its moons.

DAUP Orion

Organized by DAUP "Orion," the Winter Astro School was held for the 17th time.

Over two evenings at the Makarska Observatory, 35 children traveled through the Solar System from the Moon to Jupiter and its moons using the main telescope on the first day, guided by Prof. Gloryan Grabner.

DAUP Orion

The journey continued with lectures by Luciana Grabner and Doriana Grubišić, covering topics from Exoplanets to the current "Odyssey" landing on the Moon as part of the "Artemis" space program, and concluded on the asteroid "Makarska" through artistic workshops led by our academic sculptor Prof. Vice Glibota on the second day.

DAUP Orion

DAUP Orion

DAUP Orion

DAUP Orion

Our space travelers this year

DAUP Orion
Vito PivacMarul RadićLuči UrsićAntea PalinićRea BubleFrane BilićRoko PivacVito AntunovićMarin BurićNiko DžojaAnte SmoljanovićMarko SmoljanovićSara LozančićJure KrsnikMila Domina KnezovićMarica Petra OžićAnđela OžićLara OžićKristian GrabnerAnte BaškovićMia JelavićElla BabićZoran AnzulovićAna KvasinaAntonia BabićToni PaunovićMate LendićEma RadmanMatej RadmanJosip BrzicaMatej BrzicaDina KurtovićToma MiletaMateo DundićEva Poljak

DAUP Orion

At the end of the school, these participants were awarded a Diploma featuring an image of the Moon they observed on the first evening, and they took home a souvenir, the asteroid "Makarska," which they crafted on the second evening.

DAUP Orion

We live in an astronomically exciting time, the time of man's return to the Moon, but this time to stay permanently. Therefore, we are all, especially our children, the "Artemis" generation because the more we discover the Universe, the more we appreciate our planet Earth

  • Gloryan Grabner

We thank the city of Makarska, our Mayor, dr. Zoran Paunović and Community of Technical Culture of Split-Dalmatia County, who made it possible for this School to be completely free for our children again this year.